Regina Giordano named Fallsburg CSD’s Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services

The Fallsburg Central School District is proud to name Ms. Regina Giordano as their newest Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services.
Ms. Giordano previously served as a Special Education teacher at the Fallsburg Junior-Senior High School for fourteen years. In 2023, she enrolled in the district’s Grow Our Own administrative internship program, which allows teachers to explore a potential career in an administrative role by working under the guidance of a current administrator.
Ms. Giordano believes that the internship and her experience as an educator has prepared her well for the position. When asked about her goals as the new Assistant Director, she stated that she hopes to gain a better understanding of the programs and mechanisms of Pupil Personnel Services so that the needs of students are adequately met.
“Having fourteen years [of experience] not only as a teacher but as a teacher in this district, I understand the needs of the district and the kids,” said Regina. “Having that knowledge will allow for me to be as successful as possible.”
The district wishes to congratulate Ms. Giordano on her new role and is excited to see the impact she will make on the district.
El Distrito Escolar Central de Fallsburg se enorgullece de nombrar a la Sra. Regina Giordano como su nueva Directora Asistente de Servicios de Personal Estudiantil.
La Sra. Giordano trabajó anteriormente como maestra de Educación Especial en la escuela secundaria y preparatoria de Fallsburg durante catorce años. En 2023, se inscribió en el programa de pasantías administrativas Grow Our Own del distrito, que permite a los maestros explorar una posible carrera en un puesto administrativo trabajando bajo la guía de un administrador actual.
La Sra. Giordano cree que la pasantía y su experiencia como educadora la han preparado bien para el puesto. Cuando se le preguntó sobre sus objetivos como nueva Directora Asistente, afirmó que espera comprender mejor los programas y mecanismos de los Servicios de Personal Estudiantil para satisfacer adecuadamente las necesidades de los estudiantes.
“Con catorce años [de experiencia] no solo como maestra sino como maestra en este distrito, entiendo las necesidades del distrito y de los niños”, dijo Regina. “Tener ese conocimiento me permitirá tener el mayor éxito posible”.
El distrito desea felicitar a la Sra. Giordano por su nuevo cargo y está entusiasmado de ver el impacto que tendrá en el distrito.