Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of the Fallsburg Central School District, Sullivan and Ulster counties, will begin the 30 day public comment period for the Code of Conduct and District Wide Safety Plan on June 2, 2019. Copies will be available on the District website at www.fallsburgcsd.net and at the District Offices at 115 Brickman Rd Fallsburg NY 12733.
Notice is further given that the Board of Education of the Fallsburg Central School District, Sullivan and Ulster counties, will hold a public hearing on July 2, 2019 at 7:00 PM at Benjamin Cosor Elementary School, 15 Old Falls Rd Fallsburg NY 12733 in the cafeteria for the purpose of presenting the Code of Conduct and District Wide Safety Plan.
2019 District Wide Safety Plan Draft
2019 Plan de Seguridad para TODO EL DISTRITO
2019-2020 District Code of Conduct Draft
2019-2020_Para Todo el Distrito CÓDIGO DE CONDUCTA