FCSD Closed Wednesday 12/15/21
FCSD Closed Wednesday 12/15/21
Posted on 12/15/2021

Dear Parents/Guardians:
The Fallsburg Central School District will be closed today. The school was just made aware of a threat of violence against the Fallsburg Central School District. The Fallsburg Police Department is investigating the threat at this time.
An update will follow.
Thank you.
Dr. Katz
Estimados Padres / Guardianes:
El Distrito Escolar Central de Fallsburg estará cerrado hoy. Se acaba de informar a la escuela de una amenaza de violencia contra el Distrito Escolar Central de Fallsburg. El Departamento de Policía de Fallsburg está investigando la amenaza en este momento.
Seguirá una actualización.
Dr. Katz