Safety Tip Reporting Information

Fallsburg Junior Senior High School takes concerns about physical and emotional safety very seriously. It is critical that all members of our school community conduct themselves by the “See Something, Say Something rule. 
To help students report concerns, we have an anonymous safety tip reporting tool on our website. Students can click on the link and share concerns with school staff completely anonymously. 

This link can be found on the home page for the Junior Senior High School on the right side of the screen. 

We know that sometimes young people feel it is not their place to report concerns, but that responsibility is shared by all members of our school including our students. If a student has concerns about any of the following, they should promptly report it to ensure a safe building environment:

  • Concerns about a peer’s mental health and the potential for self harm - sometimes individuals, both young and old, need social or emotional support. The school can best support all learners when we find out information about who may need help.

  • Potential threats of violence against specific students

  • Potential threats of violence against the school 

  • Incidents of bullying, both in-person or on social media 

It is important to remember that students should not feel they have to “prove” a claim or decide whether or not a threat is serious or a joke. All threats should be reported, and then our staff will conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether a threat is serious or not. No one should ever assume that a comment about a threat was a joke. 

Students should also not be concerned about a friend getting in “trouble” if a report is made. When administration and/or our SRO investigates a situation, students are given full due-process rights and only someone who has violated the Code of Conduct would receive a consequence. 

School safety is everyone’s job and our school functions best when all school members work together to keep our building safe both physically and emotionally. 

If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to speak to someone directly about, you can always contact the following Junior Senior High School faculty members:

Safety Concerns:

  • Administrators

  • School Resource Officer (SRO)

Mental Health Concerns:

  • Social Workers

  • Counselors

  • Administrators 

 Thank you for being a partner in school safety!

Yours truly,

Shana Bruestle
