Fallsburg Hosts Do The Right Thing Ceremony

Fallsburg CSD Hosts Al Rasnick Do the Right Thing Award Ceremony
Posted on 12/21/2023
do the right thing award recipients

On December 20, 2023, three Benjamin Cosor Elementary school students, Awa Gai, Pedro Mendieta Quiroz, and Blerina Selimaj, and one Fallsburg Junior-Senior High School student, Angelina Levner, were named recipients of the Al Rasnick Do the Right Thing Award.

The purpose of the award is to commemorate students who have demonstrated excellent behavior and were caught doing a good deed. Teachers and staff nominate a student that they consider to be a positive role model and positive influence. 

The award has been a tradition at Fallsburg since 2004 when then-School Resource Officer Ed Liotard, had the prize accredited for the district after observing the Miami Police Department’s version of the Do the Right Thing Award. Since then, it has been financially supported by the Town of Fallsburg judge, Bart Rasnick, and the Fallsburg Police Department. It was eventually renamed the Al Rasnick Do the Right Thing Award to commemorate Bart’s father, the late Al Rasnick.

Judge Rasnick provided remarks during the ceremony, emphasizing the importance of family influence when it comes to children’s behavior. “Though these young students are getting the award, it is all trickled down from the parents, the guardians, and the grandparents,” said Bart Rasnick. “They’re the ones who instill these children to do the right thing.”

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ivan Katz, congratulated the award recipients and wanted to thank the Rasnick family for their many years of contribution to the award.

El 20 de diciembre de 2023, tres estudiantes de la escuela primaria Benjamin Cosor, Awa Gai, Pedro Mendieta Quiroz y Blerina Selimaj, y una estudiante de la escuela secundaria Fallsburg Junior-Senior, Angelina Levner, recibieron el premio Al Rasnick Do the Right Thing.

El propósito del premio es conmemorar a los estudiantes que demostraron un comportamiento excelente y fueron sorprendidos haciendo una buena acción. Los maestros y el personal nominan a un estudiante que consideran un modelo positivo y una influencia positiva.

El premio ha sido una tradición en Fallsburg desde 2004, cuando el entonces Oficial de Recursos Escolares, Ed Liotard, obtuvo el premio acreditado para el distrito después de observar la versión del Premio Hacer lo Correcto del Departamento de Policía de Miami. Desde entonces, ha contado con el apoyo financiero del juez de la ciudad de Fallsburg, Bart Rasnick, y el Departamento de Policía de Fallsburg. Con el tiempo, pasó a llamarse Premio Al Rasnick Do the Right Thing para conmemorar al padre de Bart, el fallecido Al Rasnick.

El juez Rasnick hizo comentarios durante la ceremonia, enfatizando la importancia de la influencia familiar en lo que respecta al comportamiento de los niños. "Aunque estos jóvenes estudiantes reciben el premio, todo proviene de los padres, tutores y abuelos", dijo Bart Rasnick. "Ellos son quienes inculcan a estos niños a hacer lo correcto".

El superintendente de escuelas, Dr. Ivan Katz, felicitó a los ganadores del premio y quiso agradecer a la familia Rasnick por sus muchos años de contribución al premio.

do the right thing award
(from left to right) Judge Bart Rasnick, Pedro Mendieta Quiroz, and Mary Kate Stinehour.

do the right thing award
(from left to right) Judge Bart Rasnick, Awa Gai, Blerina Selimaj, and Mary Kate Stinehour.

do the right thing award
(from left to right) Judge Bart Rasnick, Angelina Levner, and James Mort.