Pupil Personnel Services

District Programs & Services - Students with Disabilities

The Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) department is responsible for the evaluation, placement, and service provision of and for students with disabilities as defined by the Part 200 of the Commissioner's Regulations and IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). This act mandates a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.

Special Education means specially designed individualized or group instruction or special services or programs provided at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. Special education programs and services are designed to assure that children with disabilities receive appropriate and equal opportunities for educational growth.

Programs & Services Offered Within The District

Related Services

Related services can be provided either individually or in a group of no more than five students with similar needs. Services can be provided as a pull-out (non-integrated) or a push-in (integrated) service.

Integrated Co-Teaching Services

Commonly referred to as Inclusion Classes, students receive their instruction alongside their grade appropriate peers. They are participating in the general education curriculum in a co-teaching setting. They are provided with the modifications, accommodations and supports necessary to enable them to successfully learn the curriculum and meet the state standards. Secondary Students are recommended into inclusion classes based on their level of need in each subject area.

Special Classes

12:1:1 special classes consist of students with disabilities who have been grouped together because of similar individual needs for the purpose of being provided specially designed instruction on a daily basis. Students are integrated for lunch, specials, and recess.

Services Available outside of the District

BOCES Center and Satellites (Public School Program)

Students whose disabilities are of such a nature that they must receive instruction in a program that is provided outside the school district are served by Sullivan County BOCES or another local county BOCES. BOCES Satellites are located in the following districts: Minisink Valley, Warwick, Valley Central, Cornwall, Chester, Middletown, Goshen and Pine Bush. Satellite programs are housed in General Education buildings and offer some opportunity for special education students to interact with same age peers.

Private Day School Programs and/or Special Act Schools

Students who cannot be serviced by the Fallsburg Central School District or any other Public School/BOCES Program due to the severity of their disability may be recommended by the CSE to attend private day programs or special act school districts.

Homebound or Hospital Instruction

Tutoring is provided (1 hour daily for elementary students, 2 hours daily for secondary students) when there is a specific statement in writing from a physician that the student is not capable of attending school for a specified time period, and the Committee on Special Education is in agreement with the physician's recommendation.

Residential Placement

The total removal of the student from the home is necessary only in the most severe cases in order to deliver appropriate services to the student which do not exist within any of the less restrictive settings.

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Parents 4 Parents
Providing a nurturing and supportive environment for families with children who have autistic, emotional, learning and/or behavioral challenges.


Ms. Leighanne Russell
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
845-434-6800 ext. 1273

Ms. Dillon Paul

Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services
845-434-6800 ext. 1276

Clerical Support

Lesvi Fuentes Hernandez
CSE, CPSE, & 504 Data Entry
845-434-6800 ext. 1274

Wendy Fuentes Rivera
CSE, CPSE, & 504 Data Entry
845-434-6800 ext. 1275

School Psychologists

Gabriella Calvello
CPSE & Out of District
845-434-6800 ext. 1282

Julio Chamorro
Benjamin Cosor Elementary School
845-434-6800 ext. 1283

Katrina Curry
Fallsburg Jr./Sr. High School
845-434-6800 ext. 1284

School Social Workers


Michelle Sager
Fallsburg Jr./Sr. High School
845-434-6800 ext. 2251

Shannon Kroboth
Fallsburg Jr./Sr. High School
845-434-6800 ext. 2225

Speech Department

Nicole Huebsch
Benjamin Cosor Elementary School
845-434-6800 ext. 3111

Nancy Hoover
Benjamin Cosor Elementary School
845-434-6800 ext. 3111

Jennifer Petersen
Benjamin Cosor Elementary & Out of District
845-434-6800 ext. 3110

Jessica Scanna
Jr./Sr. High
845-434-6800 ext. 6324

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