Fallsburg in the News!

Fallsburg in the News!
Posted on 03/22/2023
bookThis week, Fallsburg Central School made it to two local news publications. Track and field coach Danielle Halikias was featured in the Sullivan County Democrat for winning Winter 2023 Outstanding Coach. And three motivational speakers who visited the school on Conference Day were mentioned in the Townsman.

Esta semana, la Escuela Central de Fallsburg llegó a dos publicaciones de noticias locales. La entrenadora de atletismo Danielle Halikias apareció en el Demócrata del condado de Sullivan por ganar Entrenador destacado de invierno de 2023. Y en el Townsman se mencionaron tres oradores motivadores que visitaron la escuela el Día de la Conferencia.

danielle halikias democrat article
danielle halikias democrat article
advocates speak at FCSD