Volunteer in the Classroom

Dear Community Member:

To help our students learn and to encourage them to love learning, Fallsburg Central School District (FCSD) invites volunteers to provide individual or small-group assistance in our classes. Our Volunteer-in-the-Classroom program helps to build bridges between community members, teachers, and students in our schools.

Many members of our community have rich experiences, talents, and skills that can contribute greatly to our students' education and to their understanding of how important it is. We are asking community volunteers to work hand in hand with teachers in our classrooms to bring their enthusiasm and their skills into our schools.

We surveyed our teachers, and they told us that volunteers from the community could be a great help to them during class hours. Here are some ways they suggested that volunteers can help:

1) Reading to students

2) Helping with lessons/activities

3) Helping with student writing

4) Helping set up before class

5) Chaperoning events

6) Tutoring students at all levels

7) Listening to students read

8) One-on-one review/coaching

9) Nature walking on trails with students

10) Sharing special areas of expertise

11) Helping students with computers

12) Speaking in foreign language classes

We need volunteers who would like to work with our teachers and kids in the above areas so we can match the needs of our teachers with the interests of our volunteers. If you or your organization can help us find volunteers, we would appreciate it greatly.

Below is a volunteer application form that you may copy and distribute. Please return the form by mail to Sarah Satz, Superintendent's Secretary, at FCSD, 115 Brickman Road, PO Box 124, Fallsburg, NY 12733, or fax it to Sarah Satz at (845) 434-8346. If you have questions about the program, please call Ms. Satz at 845-434-6800 ext 1215. 

To quote from Winston Churchill, "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." The Fallsburg Central School District thanks you for your support of this new venture.

With sincere appreciation,

Michael Weiner
Board of Education President
PS. Volunteers can help in our classrooms on a regular basis or just occasionally.

For more information please email us at [email protected]

Download Application

Volunteer Application