On June 21, 2023, the Fallsburg Central School District held their annual Sixth Grade Moving Up Ceremony at Benjamin Cosor Elementary School. Each of the 110 sixth grade students were recognized for completing their elementary education and transitioning into becoming middle school students.
El 21 de junio de 2023, el Distrito Escolar Central de Fallsburg celebró su ceremonia anual de ascenso de sexto grado en la escuela primaria Benjamin Cosor. Cada uno de los 110 estudiantes de sexto grado fue reconocido por completar su educación primaria y hacer la transición para convertirse en estudiantes de secundaria.

The following students who moved up are/Los siguientes estudiantes que ascendieron son: Alexander Abelar Martinez Jr, Astrid Acosta Perez, Kiara Allen, Patrick Atkins, Tyler Awny, Yasmina Bache-Seraphin, Sean Belanchia, Jack Bensimon, Anisa Berisha, Xzander Berrios, Raymond Bolding III, Junior Bustillo Garcia, Abdiel Cabrero, Adriel Canales Gonzalez, Estrella Canales, Evangeline Capicchioni, Angie Carranza Bonilla, Elijah Castro, Joseph Cerone, Christopher Chavez, Nicolas Ciorciari, Layla Cruz, Edward Damms, Michael Damms, Momodou Darboe, Vincent DeGraw Jr, Surey Delgado, Michael Gernant, Niylah Emptage, Janiyah Ferguson, Jamila Ferreira, Sara Flores Ramos, Amelia Forman, Leily Garcia Menjivar, Dina Gottlieb, Ariel Granado Duarte, Leyna Greenberg, Jordyn Greene, Daniella Gutierrez Aleman, Leeland Hadden, Esvin Hernandez Lopez, Riley Hobart, Ariella Irby, Katherine Jaurez Cadena, Kristel Lagos, Keyli Lainez Vides, Angelina Lara-Jones, Ariyanna Laudadio, Cristian Lemus Perez, Jacob Lemus, Lindsay Lopez Landaverde, Elijah Lucas, Richard Lundy-Sarnowski, Nicholas Lutman, Emily Mackerley, Michelle Maradiaga, Leyla Martinez, Angelica Martinez-Lopez, Patrick Maxwell Jr, Carlos Mazariego Pena, Xander McCarthy, Nathan McJunkin, Rizzi Medina Carcamo, Victor Medina Orellana, Rebecca Moocz, Marielyd Muniz, Jairo Murillo Saenz, Maria Nardi, Shealsie Orantes Hernandez, Nelcy Orellana Mejia, Ryan Parlinski, Om Patel, Mya Patton, Justin Peralta Rosa, Daniel Perez Martinez, Tefani Pivaral Ballesteros, Easton Pugh, Cristian Ramos, Gianna Ramos, Dominico Retana, Abraham Reyes Serrano, Franklin Reyes-Rodriguez, Christopher Rivera Flores, Karen Rodas Cruz, Aileen Rodriguez, Jeybi Rodriguez Canales, Kelvin Romero Canales, Samantha Saciolo, Katelyn Santiago, A’miyah Sellers, Mason Stafford-Martinez, Ray’von Thompson, Jermaine Troy Jr, Naroline Umanzor Reyes, Samuel Vega Rosales, Seylin Velasquez Hernandez, Joshua Velazquez, Madison Velazquez, Chris Venancio-Pinzon, Valery Villatoro Hernandez, Hailey Vogel, Khyliee Watson, Yamein Wheeler, Christian Whitaker, Hayden Whitney, Jaylisa Williams, Honor Wilson, Xzavier Yeneic, Angel Zaragoza, and Kimberly Zempoaltecatl.
Many of these students also received awards that commemorated their academic achievements, leadership abilities, and acts of kindness. The recipients are as followed/Muchos de estos estudiantes también recibieron premios que conmemoraban sus logros académicos, habilidades de liderazgo y actos de bondad. Los destinatarios son los siguientes:
English as a Second Language Award/Premio de inglés como segundo idioma: Seylin Velasquez Hernandez and Esvin Hernandez Lopez
New York State Comptrollers Achievement Award/Premio al Logro del Contralor del Estado de Nueva York:: Maria Nardi, Ariella Irby, Dina Gottleib, Daniel Perez Martinez, and Nicolas Ciorciari
Triple “C” Award/Premio Triple “C”: Jeybi Rodriguez Canales and Ariel Granado Duarte
Moses B. Searles Memorial Award/Premio en memoria de Moses B. Searles: Vincent DeGraw and Cristopher Rivera Flores
Mary E. White Award/Premio Mary E. White: Momodou Darboe and Yasmina Bache-Seraphim
Robynne Anderman-Pacheco Memorial Award/Premio en memoria de Robynne Anderman-Pacheco: Layla Cruz
Lion’s Club Service Award/Premio al Servicio del Club de Leones: Easton Pugh and Leyna Greenberg
Irene Kushner Memorial Art Award/Premio de arte en memoria de Irene Kushner: Ariella Irby and Nelcy Orellana Mejia
PTA Lenore Wasserman Memorial Award/Premio en memoria de Lenore Wasserman de la PTA: Angie Carranza Bonilla
PTA Nancy Solomon Character Award/Premio al personaje Nancy Solomon de la PTA: Christopher Chavez
PTA Shirley Wiles Memorial Award/Premio en memoria de Shirley Wiles de la PTA: Victor Medina Orellana
PTA Student Progress Award/Premio al progreso estudiantil de la PTA: Jack Bensimon
PTA Academic Achievement Award/Premio al Logro Académico de la PTA: Lindsey Lopez Landeverde
Bonnie Hinckley Memorial Award/Premio en memoria de Bonnie Hinckley: Emily Mackerly, Katelyn Santiago, and Christopher Chavez
Allen Payton Memorial Award/Premio en memoria de Allen Payton: Angie Carranza Bonilla and Surey Delgado
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award/Premio al Logro Académico Destacado: Maria Nardi, Marielyd Muniz, Franklin Reyes Rodriguez, Katherine Juarez Cadena, Xzander Berrios, Angelica Martinez Lopez, Om Patel, Valery Villatouro Hernandez, Kimberly Zempoaltecatl, Rizzi Medina Carcamo, Angelina Lara–Jones, Cristian Ramos, Emily Mackerly, Samantha Saciolo, Nicholas Lutman, Mason Stafford-Martinez, Honor Wilson, Surey Delgado, Michael Demondo, Joseph Cerone, Leyna Greenberg, Ray’von Thompson, Abdiel Cabrero, and Niylah Emptage.
Outstanding Academic Excellence Award/Premio a la Excelencia Académica Destacada: Rebecca Moocz, Michael Damms, Ariella Irby, Lindsay Lopez Landaverde, Elijah Lucas, Xander McCarthy, Dina Gottlieb, Daniel Perez Martinez, Jaylissa Williams, Jack Bensimon, Nicolas Ciorciari, Sara Flores Ramos, and Yamien Wheeler.