2022-2023 7th Grade and New Student Orientation

2022-2023 7th Grade and New Student Orientation
Posted on 07/25/2022
Important Notice

Dear Students and Families, 

We are thrilled to invite you to join us for our 2022-2023 7th Grade Orientation and Family BBQ! This program is open to all incoming 7th graders who will be attending the Fallsburg Junior Senior High School in September. Additionally, we are encouraging any new transfer students from any grade level to join us this evening. 

Date: Wednesday August 31st, 2022 

Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Location: Fallsburg Junior Senior High School 

From 5:30 to 6:30 pm, families and students can enjoy a free BBQ dinner prepared by our faculty and staff. During this time students can meet teachers, catch up with their classmates, and have fun! We will have lawn games set up as well as music. 

Chromebook deployment: 7th students will be assigned their Chromebook for the year at this event. When they arrive for the orientation, you and your child should find the Technology Department booth to sign the required form and receive the device. 

At 6:30 pm, our students will be invited to enter the auditorium to hear a presentation from building administration and other faculty members. After this presentation, our student-leaders from the SGA will take students on a building tour in small groups. While students are in the auditorium, we will also provide a presentation for parents and families. This will include important school updates, as well as information about Parent Portal, and the Junior Senior High School 2022-2023 Calendar of Events. This program will also be provided in Spanish. 

Stay safe, enjoy your summer, and know that we can’t wait to see you and your family on August 31st at 5:30!

Go Comets!

Yours truly,
Kyle Roddey

Shana Bruestle
Assistant Principal