
Welcome back! We hope everyone is ready for an exciting school year here in Fallsburg. As you might know, our schools are part of a nationwide movement to create healthy school environments for our children. In May 2017, the new district wide Wellness Policy was adopted by the Board of Education and updated regulations regarding physical education, school nutrition, overall wellness and also included the following guidelines regarding food in classroom celebrations and rewards. The policy is reviewed and updated on a yearly basis. At Fallsburg School District, we recognize that a child's health and well-being is the result of a team effort between parents, teachers, and the community, and we greatly appreciate your support with these changes.

Wellness Meetings 2021-2022

All meetings start at 2pm

Meetings held at the MS BOE room:

September 22

November 17

January 12

March 16

May 18

Meetings held at Cosor Café:

October 20

December 15

February 16

April 13

June 8

Files Available For Download