Town of Fallsburg Toy and Coat Giveaway 1/21/2023

Town of Fallsburg Toy and Coat Giveaway 1/21/2023
Posted on 01/19/2023
Snow FlakeUnfortunately, this event has been canceled.

The Town of Fallsburg will be hosting a toy and coat giveaway on 1/21/23 at 12 Laurel Avenue in South Fallsburg from 1-5 PM. The invitation is open to all students who are residents of the Town of Fallsburg.

La ciudad de Fallsburg organizará un sorteo de juguetes y abrigos el 21/1/23 en 12 Laurel Avenue en South Fallsburg de 1 a 5 p. m. La invitación está abierta a todos los estudiantes que sean residentes del Pueblo de Fallsburg.