Dear School Community Member:
I have been asked to share important information with you from BOCES regarding getting feedback from the school community.
BOCES throughout the state (including Sullivan County BOCES) are asking their component districts (like Fallsburg) to distribute a link to a statewide online conversation to their community members. This exchange will help develop an understanding of the thoughts and concerns of community members and staff regarding reopening our school buildings in the future. This is a very important conversation.
Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced that New York school facilities will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year. The Governor will make a decision about summer school by the end of May. As we look to the future, we must think about what a return to school buildings might look like and how best to support students, families and staff.
We know that we are stronger together. We need all voices to be heard on this important matter. Please participate in a statewide virtual conversation about reopening schools. You will be able to read and rate other participants' responses. Based on those ratings, the most important thoughts will rise to the top. All contributions are anonymous.
This is a statewide exchange facilitated by the 37 New York BOCES (Boards of Cooperative Educational Services). The exchange results will be shared with our elected officials so that they will have a more global understanding of the thoughts and ideas our community members have about returning to in-person schooling.
I encourage everyone to use the link below to share your thoughts and help evaluate the critical issues. If English is not your first language, there is a translation feature. This exchange will be live from now through May 29.
Thought Exchange Link:
Your BOCES is Sullivan County BOCES
Thank you in advance for your participation. Stay strong, healthy and positive!
Ivan J. Katz, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools